
Peace Network

A8 – Dietersheim

May 24, 2023

On the internet I had found no information about Dietersheim and a Rheinwiesenlager found, than only a vague indication on the survey map of the Rheinwiesenlager in and around Bad Kreuznach (see PWTE A-8).

Dietersheim (top right) - Bad Kreuznach, Rheinwiesenlager overview

There is said to be a cemetery in Dietersheim on the north side of the Saarlandstraße. We found nothing there. But we found this cemetery on the south side of the same street. It was a general war cemetery, here lay victims of various wars. I found no information that here victims of the Rheinwiesenlager were buried.

Dietersheim war memorial, not for deceased of the RWL

Another "Memorial Table" (plaque) could be found in Dietersheim. The coordinates did not indicate a spot and we drove around Dietersheim. Later, it turned out to be a contact address.

Coincidence brought us to an unexpected place (square).
It was at the intersection of the streets: Zur Mühle and Genzinger Straße. There was a cemetery near a pretty little church and the whole place was walled in.
It was the "Pfarrkirche St. Gordianus und Epimachus".

A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche at the junction Zur Mühle and Genzinger Straße

Around the Pfarrkirche were tiles with names and dates in paths laid in a field of low green herbaceous plants. There were also a number of single grouped crosses. An information board explained the complex. People here did not speak of Rheinwiesenlager but of "Kriegsgefangenenlager".
A valuable find is the city map with Rheinwiesenlager marked in red. I have not seen this map before, not even on the internet.
The Rheinwiesenlager Dietersheim, which is inscribed, also includes the nature reserve (Naturschutzgebiet) "Hinter der Mortkaute".

A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche

A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, memorial stones with names of the deceased

A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, information on this RWL

A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, information

Dietersheim, with Rheinwiesenlager A8 inscribed

A8 Dietersheim, inscribed are the Pfarrkirche and "Hinter der Mortkaute"

A8 - Dietersheim

24 mei 2023

We drove on to the nature reserve "Hinter der Mortkaute". It lies on the eastern side of the Rheinwiesenlager.

A8 Dietersheim "Hinter der Mortkaute"

A8 Dietersheim "Hinter der Mortkaute"

Only much later I found on the internet the "Memorial Table Kriegsgefangenenlager Dietersheim" this is located just southeast of the bridge, where the Sandstraße crosses over the B9. (GPS coordinates: N 49.936183 E 7.916488 )
Driving even further east from this memorial, one reaches the car park of: "Hinter der Mortkaute".