A8 – Dietersheim
May 24, 2023
On the internet I had found no information about Dietersheim and a Rheinwiesenlager found, than only a vague indication on the survey map of the Rheinwiesenlager in and around Bad Kreuznach (see PWTE A-8).
Dietersheim (top right) - Bad Kreuznach, Rheinwiesenlager overview |
There is said to be a cemetery in Dietersheim on the north side of the Saarlandstraße. We found nothing there. But we found this cemetery on the south side of the same street. It was a general war cemetery, here lay victims of various wars. I found no information that here victims of the Rheinwiesenlager were buried.
Dietersheim war memorial, not for deceased of the RWL |
Another "Memorial Table" (plaque) could be found in Dietersheim. The coordinates did not indicate a spot and we drove around Dietersheim. Later, it turned out to be a contact address.
Coincidence brought us to an unexpected place (square).
It was at the intersection of the streets: Zur Mühle and Genzinger Straße.
There was a cemetery near a pretty little church and the whole place was
walled in.
It was the "Pfarrkirche St. Gordianus und Epimachus".
A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche at the junction Zur Mühle and Genzinger Straße |
Around the Pfarrkirche were tiles with names and dates in paths laid in a field of
low green herbaceous plants. There were also a number of single grouped crosses. An
information board explained the complex. People here did not speak of Rheinwiesenlager
but of "Kriegsgefangenenlager".
A valuable find is the city map with Rheinwiesenlager marked in red. I have not seen
this map before, not even on the internet.
The Rheinwiesenlager Dietersheim, which is inscribed, also includes the nature reserve
(Naturschutzgebiet) "Hinter der Mortkaute".
A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche |
A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, memorial stones with names of the deceased |
A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, information on this RWL |
A8 Dietersheim, Pfarrkirche, information |
Dietersheim, with Rheinwiesenlager A8 inscribed |
A8 Dietersheim, inscribed are the Pfarrkirche and "Hinter der Mortkaute" |