
Peace Network

A3 Bad Kreuznach and the Honorary Cemetery in the Lohrer Forest.

This Rheinwiesenlager is part of four Rheinwiesenlager, which are close to each other located.
Those are:

A3-A6-A7-A8 Rheinwiesenlager in and around Bad Kreuznach

A3 Bad Kreuznach - map - Honorary Cemetery (Ehrenfriedhof) left - Former Cemetery (ehem. Friedhof) right

May 29, 2023, Whit Monday

The Rheinwiesenlager of Bad Kreuznach itself was PWTE A3. A few years after the 2nd World War, A3's fields were cleared. The deceased, who were buried on the Galgenberg, were reburied in the Lohrerwald to the west of Bad Kreuznach.
The A3's original fields have been put to other uses. I decided to visit the relocated victims of the Rheinwiesenlager first and then the A3's original fields on and next to the Galgenberg.

We looked in Bad Kreuznach for the "Ehrenfriedhof" on the Lohrerstraße, but the street name was wrong. It became a kind of puzzle tour to find this cemetery. The clues I had, were insufficient. After some back and forth, we found along a street a map of the area. With this information, we found other city maps. In the end, we drove into a narrow and unpaved forest path. We ignored a reference to the car park and drove on to the cemetery itself. We were at the "Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald" and it was in the middle of a forest.

The honorary cemetery is walled and there is an imposing entrance gate.

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald

The cemetery contained several groups of five stone crosses each time. There were endless paths of memorial tiles with names and dates listed. It looked well cared for.
Quietly, in a prayer, I asked God, our Lord and the Almighty for the reburied deceased of the Rheinwiesenlager to ease the pain suffered soothe with Love, Light and Peace.

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Ehrenfriedhof Lohrerwald

A3 – Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg East

May 29, 2023, Whit Monday

Once again we encountered a forbidden area, the Galgenberg, where another memorial could be located. A road sign "prohibited for all traffic" stopped us again. We did not drive on.
We visited the eastern side of the Galgenberg from the Silvanenstraße

Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg East

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg East

A3 - Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg West

May 29, 2023, Whit Monday
The slope west of the Galgenberg we approached via the Orffstraße the present-day grape fields. We were at the beginning of a country road, which was forbidden access to ordinary traffic. A gruff man asked us what are you doing here. Why this hostility? It was late May then there are no edible grapes on the bushes. It was a sign for us to turn the car around.

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg West

A3 Bad Kreuznach, Galgenberg West

For the deceased Rheinwiesenlager victims left behind, I asked God, our Dear Lord and Almighty, all the Galgenberg fields and the areas incorporated into city districts, to provide them with Love, Light and thereby Peace.