
Peace Network

A14 - Plaidt - Miesenheim

A14 Plaidt-Miesenheim lies between Miesenheim and Andernach

A14 Plaidt-Miesenheim, fields north of the Weitersfelder Straße

A14 Plaidt-Miesenheim, fields north of the Weitersfelder Straße

May 12, 2023

On the north side of Miesenheim were fields once occupied by the Rheinwiesenlager. It was a site just outside the built-up area of Miesenheim to the north of the houses on the Weitersfelder Straße / Merowinger Straße.
Numerous high-voltage wires hung over these fields. The electricity crackled around my head. Between the many high-voltage pylons I found a spot, where I stood reasonably safe.

I went into prayer and asked God, our Dear Lord, the Almighty to strengthen these fields with Love, Light and Peace, in order to soothe the suffering inflicted on prisoners and the deceased.

A14 Plaidt-Miesenheim, fields north of the Merowinger Straße

A14 – Miesenheim cemetery

Central in Miesenheim, on the Plaidter Straße, we found a general cemetery (Friedhof). There was a corner for the victims of the Rheinwiesenlager set up.

According to information, of the nearly hundred thousand German soldiers incarcerated, many perished in the Rheinwiesenlager north of Miesenheim. Where were these people buried? The cemetery in Miesenheim is far too small for that!
Why was this encampment named Plaidt-Miesenheim and not just Miesenheim?

Part of the Miesenheim cemetery, Plaidter Straße